Mediatis d.o.o.
Vodnikova cesta 130
1000 Ljubljana
SI56 6100 0001 0281 571
Delavska hranilnica d.d.
VAT no.: SI92418821
Registration no.: 6116272000
We only sell our items to legal persons and companys. All of the prices on this website are in euros (€) and do not include VAT. Prodaja je namenjena pravnim osebam. Vse navedene cene so v evrih (€), brez ddv. Due to turbulent conditions on world markets and unpredictable exchange rates of different currencies, we reserve the right to change prices at any time.
Your quotation and payment
After you submit your quote we forward you our offer / proforma invoice to your email with information required for payment. Payment is made by UPN - via online banking, post office, bank account ... After receiving payment, we will send you the ordered products in the pre-agreed time. The ordered and delivered goods remain the property of the seller until the order is fully paid. In the event of a delay in payment, the statutory default interest is charged.
Final Provisions
In event of complaints you must inform us about that in 8 days. The complaint does not apply to goods with a print if the print was not ordered from the seller. In the event of a price or technical changes, we will notify you on your order. Decorative material is not included in the price of the item. Images of some items are symbolic. By issuing a purchase order or by paying an account, the client accepts these general terms and conditions of business. If the item goes out of stock, the seller the seller does not guarantee the re-supply of this item. All possible disputes will be setteled on Court in Ljubljana.